Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Best Vegan Breakfast Sandwich

The Best Vegan Breakfast Sandwich

Now...try saying that 5 times really fast! This is just a sandwich that I threw together this lazy Saturday morning. It does have some premade elements and some ingredients that are fresh. In the South we do brunch quite often and this is the perfect item for any brunch menu. The high protein and fiber will keep you full well into your afternoon. 

Ingredients I used were based on what was available in my kitchen and fridge/freezer:

Sandwich Thins
2 frozen Morning Star sausage patties
Fresh spinach
Pesto Veganese
Crushed red pepper
Black pepper

Flax Egg (1 tbsp of flax seed mixed with 3 tbsp of water. Let stand 5 minutes)

First pop the frozen sausage patties into the oven at 350 degrees on a cookie sheet for about 12 minutes. Make sure to spray patties with a little cooking spray on both sides to prevent sticking.

While the patties cook, prepare your flax egg in a small bowl. Once it has been sitting for 5 minutes and has formed up get a small frying pan out and add a little olive oil (aprox. 1 tbsp). Add some salt, pepper, and red pepper to egg and pour into oil in pan. For about 5 minutes on medium to medium high heat, move the flax egg around on the pan and turn several times until it is a light brown color and firm and fluffy (like an egg). Remove egg from pan and take spinach (about a handful) and place in pan on low heat until a little wilted. 

Once sausage is out, put 2 sandwich thins in the oven until toasted. 
To assemble sandwich, start by spreading the mustard on both sandwich thins. Next take the two sausage patties and cut then down the middle into four halves. Lay sausage halves so they are covering the sandwich thin. Next spread a little veganese on top of sausage and then top with flax egg. Finally I added the slightly cooked (wilted) spinach and a little more fresh ground pepper. 

Voila! Now you have the perfect sandwich to cure any case of hunger or as I like to say "hangriness". There is no need to let your hunger+anger get to that point. Again, this was just something simple I threw together with what I had available in my kitchen. There are TONS of other combinations that could make up the perfect breakfast sandwich, of course with a vegan twist.

NOM NOM NOM (hehe),

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